Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mobile Butchery - only for people with strong stomachs

Over the past years, I have seen many things being transported on these black universal bikes: chickens, eggs, corn, living goats, hay, metal and wood poles, kids, charcoal, you name it. But yesterday it was actually the first time ever that I saw a slaughtered cow wrapped around a bike. I know I shouldn't put such pictures at my blog, as some of you, especially the vegeterians, might feel offended. However, the sight of this mobile butchery was simply too unique, making it difficult for me not to jump out of the car, take a picture and get it on my blog. At the end, I guess, living abroad for several years has somehow increased my attraction to unusual things and lowered my treshold for slightly disgusting stuff, as long as it has this extraordinary, unusual touch. The good thing is, that you only have to open your eyes a bit wider, overcome your initial culture shock, and places like Kabul which many believe to be not the most beautiful and attractive place on earth suddenly turn into a never ending universe of fascination ... ;)

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