Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cock fighting

Waiting to compete
Warming up
The twisted dance ...
Showing off
Youngsters getting ready to be part of the adult world
Close capture

What do adult and less adult men do on a sunny friday morning at Babur Garden? They carry around their roosters like little pets to get them compete in cockfights. It's not these bloody cockfights where animals are killed. At least I didnt see any blood or any wounded animals. Each fight takes only about half a minute, until one of the roosters bends down. Evidence that this fights are truly capturing: none of the exclusively male viewers took any notice of me, as I approached the stage in my non-islamic dressing (had forgotten to take on a long t-shirt or Kamiz that would cover my bottom). Usually, you can't get unnoticed as a western woman here in Afghanistan - but not even a western woman seems to be able to compete against the attraction that this game has on Afghan men.

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