Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just arrived, and already on my way home again.

Unbelievable how fast time can pass by! It feels as if I would just have arrived in Kabul, and now I am already on my way home again, to celebrate christmas (for the first time in four years!) with my entire family. It will be the first time in nearly three years that we are all under one roof (me, my sister, my brother and my parents) and I am quite looking forward to it, though I am also a bit anxious about the chirstmas "stress". After all, I haven't been exposed to any real and fake christmas glamour in four years.

The first two months in Kabul have - all in all - been great. It was such a good feeling to be in a new place. While I initially felt like looking at a map with only the physical features, but no names, I have - by now - added quite some few names to it: names of people, places, things, thoughts. I am truly looking forward to add even more color to my imaginatory map upon my return to Kabul in January!

In the meantime I hope that I will be able to add some few more pictures and stories from the last two months onto my blog, while at home in Italy. Johanna

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