Monday, July 14, 2008

Just like holiday

It doesn't always have to be the Italien Riviera, Maldives or Thailand. Sometimes, even the most unlikely place can feel like a perfect holiday destination, if you want it too.

I spend the last seven days in Hirat, and though I worked more hours than I would usually do, it still felt like holiday. What made it a holiday? Mellow evenings by the pool... a sepia coloured sand storm... ancient buildings... endless afternoon teas with colleagues and their families... dinner in thousand and one night restaurant, above the city of Hirat... an occasional glass of wine... fresh morning air (without smog!)... driving incognito (with a long black chadar) through the city and looking at the millions of interesting no-name food in a friends place...buying a little souvenir for my little cousin...hearing the click of my camera over and over again...
Sitting in the plane, flying back to Kabul, music in my ears, Afghanistan miles below my tiny window, my head sticked to the screen of the window, I felt happy. Not overwhelmed, simply happy with where I am, what I do, whom I know. Happy for being able to make other people around me happy. For a moment, forgetting about all the bad stuff that goes on in Afghanistan, for a moment forgetting about the syssiphus act that we all perform here in Afghanistan, for a moment, just being happy to have the opportunity to live in this country.

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